You never know what exciting things will happen during our Friday fikas! Last week, I spontaneously invited Christian Landgren from iTeam to join, and he did! He is one of the parents in Stockholm who used their frustration on the app “Skolplattformen”, used for communication between schools, parents and students in Stockholm, to develop a more user friendly app called “Öppna Skolplattformen!” (which translates to both “The Open School Platform” and “Open Up the School Platform!”) Their app had just launched last Friday and became the top paid app in Apple App Store that same day! You can read a story about them in Swedish SVT if you want to know more!
It is a very interesting case showing what can or could happen if public actors would open up their systems and information with APIs so that members of the public can develop solutions onto that information. We hope to hear and learn more from Christian and his fellow team of parents in the future during e.g. a webinar or similar since I think their experiences can teach us a lot!
Another thing I loved about having Christian join last week was that he introduced what I think is the ultimate question to ask people joining our fikas: What can we help you with?
I think it could be a useful question to start all our calls with after we have introduced ourselves to each other. Starting from that question I believe that everyone who joins can benefit from the calls in some way, and that we can help each other maximise our learning and impact.
So, we’ll see what will happen during the Friday fika this week – it depends on who comes and what those people need help with. Then we’ll see what we think we can do and learn from each other!
Hope to see you both during the fika and on the Civic Tech Lab on Community Tools on February 23rd that I hope you’ve registered for!