I love the conversation popping here! Great ideas from all of you @myms, @giorgos, @jonathan and @pernillan!
Slow dialogue is something the Civic Tech community can help the generally fast paced tech field with @myms, I agree we should explore this further. Your idea makes me think if we can apply “learning by doing”, as we did within the Community Tools lab. Maybe we can have a slow lab, that stretches over time?
Also the security part is both urgent and important - let’s talk more about that on the phone tomorrow @myms!
haha this is so awesome @giorgos! No doubt we should do this! (we need to do it)
I would also like to throw in @Ainali s thread “Hur driver man en ideell förening så öppet som möjligt?” to the mix (in English: “How to do a nonprofit association as open as possible”). Associations are playing around right now with digital tools, and some I’m a member of are talking about how to co-create the yearly meeting digitally. Big and small, young and old will do this somehow 2021 and within all this there could be a space for a wider conversation (a lab?) about things we talk about here.